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*** Yippee we have kittens due in September 2021***
 Please check out our Facebook page "Ranchdolls From Ragdoll Ranch"
for further information as we don't update this website very often.


 Ruby Double Grand Champion Ranchdolls Quite the Prince
2st Place Longhair Entire Cat of the Year
Best Entire Ragdoll Cat 2019
Thank you to Helmi Flick for the amazing photo.

To Love A Cat....


Cats are wonderful friends,

Gentle eyes that see so much,

Paws that have a quiet touch,

Purrs to signal all is well,

And show more love than words can tell,

Graceful movements touched with pride,

A calming presence by your side,

A friendship that takes time to grow,

Small wonder why we love them so.


- Unknown Author

Website update on 30 August 2021

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Ranchdolls from Ragdoll Ranch

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